Fly Fishing guide in Utah

Unleash Your Passion

Fly Fishing

with Mike O’Brien & his team

Step into nature’s playground as you cast your line into pristine rivers and crystal-clear mountain streams. The Wasatch area is renowned for its abundance of thriving trout populations, including native cutthroat, rainbow, and brown trout. With every cast, you’ll feel the exhilaration of being immersed in nature, surrounded by stunning mountain views.

Expert Guides at Your Side: Our team of seasoned fly fishing guides is committed to enhancing your adventure every step of the way. They possess unrivaled knowledge of the local waters, fishing techniques, and the best fishing spots in the area. Whether you seek solitude on secluded streams or prefer the camaraderie of group trips, our guides will personalize each outing to meet your preferences and skill level.

Quality Equipment and Gear: We believe that top-notch equipment is essential for a successful and enjoyable fly fishing trip. That’s why we provide high-quality gear, including rods, reels, lines, and flies, ensuring that you have everything you need for a fantastic experience. If you prefer to bring your own equipment, our guides can help you fine-tune your setup for optimal performance.

Father and son trips are just the best.
Watching the son work, the father encourages his son, then both swell with pride when fish find the net is just special.

As both a father and a son, this makes me so happy to be able to witness these life-long memories in the making.

Life is short.

Book your trip now.

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Double trouble ...

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Great trips on great Utah rivers. We love the float trips, but walk and wade trips can be super fun as we find fish and figure out how to find the biggest fish in each run. ...

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I can`t say it enough. Father and son trips are my favorite. ...

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Waiting for clients, bending the rod. ...

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Fly fishing can be difficult, but so rewarding.
Father and son trip went so well, they`re doing more while they`re here.

These clients were referred by anther repeat client.
Experience the difference and book a trip with us. 60% of our clients will rebook &/or refer others within one year.

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3 generations
3 boats
Big smiles fishing from the @flycraftusa

Book your singer experience on our boats before summer runs out.

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Cutthroat eat heavily in the summer months.

Book a remote stream trip and experience some lesser traveled gems in UT.

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Summer offers big bugs and chances at crazy top water action.
Looking great in a @tattonbaird hat just adds style points.

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Fish love the #bionicant

This fly from @lanceeganflyfishing should be in everyone`s box this summer. I like to tie them in 4 sizes and in both black and purple.

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Getting the fish to cooperate for a pic isn`t my top priority when I take these pics... it`s trying to capture the excitement and sheer joy people feel when they`re successful that makes these fun for me.

#flyfishwithmeutah #flyfishingisrad #flyfishingutah #provoriver #orvisflyfishing #flycraftusa #flycraft

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When you have @tvbacon & @todd_kramer guiding you on the #provoriver, the smiles will be as big as the fish. ...

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First fish on the fly. Getting into those hard to reach spots with the @flycraftusa can make all the difference. ...

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This is my favorite picture of the last several weeks for many reasons.
This is Scott. After 40 years of working for the same company, Scott retired. His lovely wife, Lisa, reached out to me, wanting fly fishing lessons. Their youngest also just turned 18, and they wanted an activity that they could enjoy together. I suggested that they take two mornings to walk and wade and learn the basics. @johnny_patching joined me for morning #1, and then he and @derek.snodgrass took them through their second morning. Their feedback was so positive, and I knew that they were going to fish on their own.

After day 1, they knew they had found something they loved and wanted to jump in with both feet. Day 2 delivered even more for them as Johnny & Derek expertly taught them nymphing basics.

Following their trips, I sent them an email with recommendations on gear, sizes, and suggested that they see my friends @flyfishfood where they met @sosfly who equipped them all.

Just 3 days later, I`m floating the Provo with clients when I see this awesome family fishing together. They caught several fish on their own, and Lisa spent the whole time rigging rods, fixing snags, & tying on flies. This is the pic of Scott`s best fish from their first time with their own gear.

They now have an incredible reason to spend their retirement together chasing trout.

I tell people all the time when they ask me about what I get to do for work that, "It`s a living, but it ain`t work."

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Fishing from our flycrafts allows you to find nice fish on the Provo River.

Schedule your half day float and join us as we pursue these beautiful trout.

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what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials


Mike O’Brien


Fished in Europe, UK, U.S., Mexico, Japan, and South Africa


In his 5th season of guiding full time


Over 30 years fly fishing experience

Guided Days Each Year

Years Experience

Book Now

Lets have an adventure together

Call direct 971.226.4933 with questions